Heyo! Hope you're doing well.
In case it's not known, I do have a Ko-fi! If you feel like you wanna support my efforts by tipping, that would mean the world to me and helps out a lot. Doesn't matter what amount it is. I'll be aiming to use it more often for behind the scenes for specific projects I'm working, just little quirks like that. May even open back up commissions soon who knows.
You can check out my Ko-fi here: https://ko-fi.com/scottysee47666
As for college, I'm pretty much in the homestretch right now. We've been given all the assignments we know and now it's a case of finishing them and making sure they're the best they can be. I'll be making a college reel once everything's done and dusted. You've seen glimpses here and there so I can't wait to show off what I've been cooking the past year!
That's all for now. Adios